October 31, 13:30-17:00

SNS-ICE – Synergies between National 6G Initiatives and SNS JU


Within Europe, 6G R&I is not only done by the Smart Network Services Joint Undertaking, but also by a number of National 6G Initiatives in e.g. Germany, France, Finland, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Ireland and The Netherlands. This implies there is an opportunity to look for synergies between the SNS work programme and the activities that are done in the National 6G Initiatives.

Join us for the 5G Techritory co-creation event on synergies between National 6G Initiatives and SNS JU where the participants will discuss what topics are missing from the work programs of National Initiatives and SNS JU and what topics can benefit from more synergy in the work programs.

The goal of the event is to identify opportunities for synergies among National Initiatives and the SNS JU activities.

As part of the event you will experience:

  • Perspective of the SNS office on collaboration with National 6G Initiatives;
  • Presentation of SNS OPS survey results;
  • Process around the SNS JU Work Programme;
  • Process around; the SRIA perspective
  • Summary of the input received from National 6G Initiatives on topics they are covering;
  • Presentation of ideas for additional topics from National 6G Initiatives;
  • Group discussions on topics that are missing or topics that will benefit from more synergy.

Registration link.

Location – ATTA Centre, Event Room “K”.

For more information, please e-mail to Sachdeva, P. (Prachi), prachi.sachdeva@tno.nl


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