Virtual matchmaking | November 1 - December 31, 2021


[ em-pawr-ee-uhm, -pohr- ]

Emporium is a place which the traders of one country had reserved to their business interests within the territory of another country (antiquity); or a large retail store, especially one selling a great variety of articles; or a place, town, or city of important commerce, especially a principal center of trade


5G Techritory Emporium is a B2B matchmaking and networking platform built to enable brand new partnership opportunities among 5G ecosystem players. It provides businesses with a collaborative space to share their technical know-how, present products or services, seek new project options and partnerships, and look for innovative solutions. 

In short – creating your company profile in Emporium is like presenting your business card to the entire world.

How does Emporium matchmaking work?

  • Companies, universities, researchers publish their product and service offers, calls for collaboration, and innovative solutions
  • Other participants find submissions of their interest
  • When two parties have found an opportunity for collaboration, they can start a chat, arrange a meeting, and plan for the next steps

Emporium timeline:

  • From October 1st: Registration and application review
  • November 1st – December 31st: the B2B matchmaking and networking platform is open for discussions, meetings, and collaboration

Who should participate?

  • Technology or service providers working in fields like 5G, AI, big data & more – corporations, startups, researchers, academic institutions
  • Companies and organizations looking for industry novelties, searching for partners on innovative R&D projects
  • Digital Innovation Hubs acting on behalf of their partners and customers

Why join Emporium matchmaking?

  • Find your future cooperation opportunities, innovation project allies, and potential business partners all in one place
  • Directly access the 5G Techritory Forum partners, stakeholders, and participants from 100+ countries
  • Build connections, communicate, and set up virtual meetings with ease and support from 5G Techritory Forum experts and the Latvian IT Cluster Digital Innovation Hub 
  • Use the platform to advertise yourself –  present and sell your product or find and buy solutions you need

For questions

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