
Dean Bubley

DIRECTOR Disruptive Analysis

Dean Bubley is the founder of Disruptive Analysis, an independent technology industry analyst and consulting firm based in London. He’s an outspoken analyst & futurist with over 25 years’ experience who specialises in mobile/telecoms fields.

He is one of the leading market observers and forecasters covering 5G, network infrastructure & software, IoT, telecom business models, voice/video communications and broadband/spectrum policy. Dean is known as a contrarian and visionary, often with challenging opinions that go against industry consensus.

His present focus is on use-cases and hype/reality for 5G, evolution of Wi-Fi, spectrum policy, smart buildings & cities, eSIM, private & neutral-host cellular networks, the “future of voice and video”, mobile broadband, developer platforms, edge-computing and contextual communications.

Dean has formerly been an equity analyst, covering communications stocks, with Robert W. Baird. Prior to that, he spent eight years at UK research firm Datamonitor, where he co-founded the company’s Technology business, managed the Internet & Networking area and custom consulting operations, with roles of Chief Analyst & Director of Consulting. He holds a BA in Physics from Keble College, Oxford University.

Interesting fact

On average Dean speaks at around 30 conferences per year, and he’s been quoted by The Economist, Financial Times and Wall Street Journal.